In the event that you need to evacuate due to inclement weather, prepare a Go Bag. The Go Bag is a specific bag that is dedicated to emergency use only. This is customizable based on your needs. The idea of the Go Bag is to have a bag prepared with some items with room to put in last minute items quickly to move to your safe place.

  • Helmet 
  • Cell phone
  • Fidget toys, comfort toys/items
  • Emergency contact list
  • Medications 
  • Purse/wallet 
  • Communication device/system
  • Shoes
  • Headphones

If your child/student uses a communication device, remember to take it. If you or the person in your care uses a communication device, remember to take it with you.  It’s important to communicate using a means that is familiar.  This could include communicating that change is happening, you are moving to a safe place, and to remain calm.

Here are some resources that discuss what we need for a Go bag, and how/why we create a Go bag:

Be Prepared for Anything! by SciShow Kids

Emergency Supply List by FEMA

“Go” bag example